Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A cow's life doesn't matter, only its death?

Jennie Yabroff of Newsweek just wrote an article called "No More Sacred Cows" about  vegetarians who are now eating grass-fed meat without guilt.

Yabroff, however, seems to think that the manner in which a cow lives doesn’t matter. How could a cow living in a feedlot, standing or laying in sewage all day, and eating a feed that makes it sick be the same as a grass-fed cow living its life doing what cows have always done? A cow that is treated as a cog in a machine vs. a cow that is living a cow’s life. The manner in which an animal lives does not become irrelevant because it is finally slaughtered. I sell kosher, grass-fed beef, lamb and poultry because animal’s lives (as well as the environment and my health – also much better grass-fed) are huge, important factors in our ethics.  Let’s not belittle a cow’s life and focus only on its death.

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